Articles on: Sales training

How to create call highlights in your library

Your sales training library allows you to save a collection of top moments and best practices from your team's calls in once place for training purposes, in the form of “highlights”.

1. Create a highlight

To create a highlight from a call, simply go to the call page and select the segment of the call you would like to save by clicking on a section of the speaker timeline and dragging your mouse, then click "Create a call highlight".

2. Choose a library folder

There are 2 main sections within your library:
My library: A private space where you can create folders and save highlights from any call that will be visible to only you.
Workspace library: A shared space where you can centralise your team best practices and knowledge, visible to every user in your workspace.

You can create folders in either space to categorise your highlights as you like. We recommend doing this in advance, so that when you create your call highlight, you'll be able to choose which folder to add it to.

Within each section, you'll also have default "best moments" folders, where you'll find call highlights automatically extracted by Rippletide.

3. Add a comment

The last step of creating your highlight is adding a comment to give context or explain to your colleagues why this particular snippet is interesting.

4. BONUS - Use your highlights to create training programs

Once your library is stocked with highlights, you can actively use them for team training by creating training programs for your sales personnel and newcomers!

Updated on: 05/09/2024

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