Articles on: Customise your workspace

Identify and track topics with tags

Tags allow you to identify key topics discussed during your calls and to categorise different call types, to improve your knowledge tracking help you to stay up-to-date on changes in your sales landscape.

How to create a tag

Tags are created from within the Tags section of your workspace settings.

Go to your "Settings" > "Tags".

Click on "Create new tag".

Give your tag a name (note: this cannot be modified at a later stage).

Describe when your tag should be applied. This description will help our AI to identify the relevant calls or topics you're looking for, so make sure it is precise and and covers all relevant information to make the identification as accurate as possible.

Define the tag scope, choosing between whether the tag should apply to an entire call or call snippets only.

Entire call

These are tags that are relevant to a call as a whole, so can be used to identify and categorise different types of calls. For example, "Discovery call" or "Partnership meeting".

Call snippets

These are tags that are tied to specific moments within a call, so they can be used to identify if certain topics are discussed or highlight given moments in the conversation. For example, "Pricing objection" or "Competitor product mention".

(Optional) Choose the teams whose calls the tags should apply to. This is only relevant if you have created teams in your workspace, and are creating tags which are relevant to some teams and not others. By default, all tags will apply to all calls in the workspace.

Choose the colour of your tag to make it easily identifiable.

Save these settings to create your tag!

Manage default tags

In your Tags settings, you will see a selection of default tags which are automatically active on your workspace, for example to identify objections, pricing discussions, and competitor mentions. If you do not wish to use these tags, you can hide them.

How are tags assigned?

Once your tag has been created, our AI automatically analyses your calls and assigns the tag to relevant calls or call moments, based on the automatic detection of relevant words, phrases, or themes.

You can manually add or remove tags from the call page. Entire call tags can be added or removed from the tag menu below the call title, whereas snippet tags can be added or removed from the call timeline, by hovering over a tag to remove it or by selecting a timeframe to add a tag to.

Tracking your tags

To easily find all calls with a particular tag, you cam use the "Tags" filter on your Calls page.

For snippet tags, you can then jump directly to the moment in the call when the topic is discussed by navigating through the tags on the call timeline. Here you'll be able to listen back to the relevant snippet for further understanding of the details of the discussion.

Updated on: 11/02/2025

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